For the first time, the action on elastin, combined with an action on the main collagen isotypes of the skin, results in new efficacies on the face’s elasticity, firmness, tone, and lift. The renewal of functional elasticity allows the skin to follow facial expressions without marking, the “stretch” effect helps the facial restructuring.
The complex assembly of the proteins that constitute elastin is carried out using enzymes allowing their synthesis. The “star” among these enzymes is LOXL1, whose synthesis begins to decrease at the age of 18 years according to research conducted by the French National Center for Scientific Research.
The action of the dill fruit extract stimulates the production of this specific enzyme. The functional elastin fibers of the deep parts of the skin are then stimulated and restructured, permanently ensuring the “stretch lift” effect that will result in a younger look, while respecting the natural features of the face. The lifting effect is immediately visible and becomes more and more noticeable as you use it.
Size: 50ml.
Use: Day and night.